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Listes de références des articles ayant "faure" comme auteur.

Auteur    Année    Titre    id_ref
R.M. Faure    2008    Pir3D, an easy to use three dimensional block fall simulator    19
R.M. Faure    2008    New models linking piezometric levels and displacements in a landslide    85
R.M. Faure    2008    Experimental geo-synthetic-reinforced segmental wall as bridge abutment    218
Faure R.M.     1995    PIR3D, a code which simulate falling blocks in three dimensions.    816
Faure R.M.     2002    An easy to use model for taking in account rainfall in soil displacement.    1682
Faure R.M.     1976    Calcul sur ordinateur des ouvrages en terre.    2851
Faure R.M.     1988    Prise en compte du déplacement pour l’évaluation de la stabilité d’une pente.    2852
Faure R.M.     2006    Exploitations des mesures de déplacement faites sur la culée de Saint Saturnin    2854
Faure R.M.     1996    Stabilité des pentes en trois dimensions.    2856
Faure R.M.     1985    Analyse des contraintes dans un talus par la méthode des perturbations.;    2857
Faure R.M.     1996    Geotechnical characterization of slope movements.    1498
Faure R.M.     2006    Culée de pont porteuse réalisée avec un mur fait de blocs, aspect pierre éclatée, renforcée par des géotextiles.    2855
Faure R.     1996    Geotechnical characterization of slope movements.    1498
Faure R.M.    1996    Geotechnical characterization of slope movements    3467
Faure R.M.    2008    PiR3D An easy to use three dimensional block fall simulator    5530

On remarque  la répétion de certains titres due à une écriture différente des noms des auteurs.

L'article 85 va être comparé à tous les articles ayant une signature. Il y a 18 articles qui ont plus de 50% des syntagmes en commun. A lire prioritairement.

RangDegré R. Dim sign.Nb communid_refTitreNom fichier
0100.0019419385New models linking piezometric levels and displacements in a landslidemkd_xian3/2.TXT
176.2973714742Soil nailing and subsurface drainage for slope stabilizationmkd_xian/5.TXT
274.74694144284Deformation analysis of landslides: Progressive failure, rate effects and thermal interactionsbanff_014.txt
360.82437117274Progressive failure in natural and engineered slopesbanff_004.txt
460.314271164Prediction of landslide movements caused by climate change: Modelling the behaviour of a mean elevation large slide in the Alps and assessing its uncertaintiesmkd_xian/12.TXT
559.794231153The role of suction and its changes on stability of steep slopes in unsaturated granular soilsmkd_xian/11.TXT
659.28490114279Monitoring of potentially catastrophic rockslidesbanff_009.txt
758.7643911345Deformation and failure mechanisms of loose and dense fill slopes with and without soil nailsmkd_xian/8.TXT
858.2547911211Improving the interpretation of slope monitoring and early warning data through better understanding of complex deep-seated landslide failure mechanismsmkd_xian/2.TXT
957.22542110282Malaysia’s national slope master plan—from theory to practicebanff_012.txt
1054.64490105278Rock slope characterization and geomechanical modellingbanff_008.txt
1154.64405105280Integrating forests in the analysis and management of rockfall risks: Experiences from research and practice in the Alpsbanff_010.txt
1254.64489105283Slope instability hazard in Haiti: Emergency assessment for a safe reconstructionbanff_013.txt
1352.5831410190Numerical modelling of a rock avalanche laboratory experiment in the framework of the ‘‘Rockslidetec’’ alpine projectmkd_xian3/25.TXT
1452.0631410016Geotechnical analysis of a complex slope movement in sedimentary successions of the southern Apennines (Molise, Italy)mkd_xian/24.TXT
1551.5542299266Slope engineering in railway and highway construction in Chinamkd_xian7/148.TXT
1651.0333398272Approaches to rainfall-induced landslides forecastingbanff_002.txt
1750.003819644Advances in landslide continuum dynamic modellingmkd_xian/7.TXT

Liste des articles (LRA) ayant le mot : creep dans le titre

0 * 159 * Importance of study of creep sliding mechanism to prevention and treatment of reservoir landslide
1 * 394 * Tertiary creep reproduction in back-pressure-controlled ring-shear test and predicting final failure time of rainfall-induced landslides
2 * 395 * Creep behavior of clayey soils in residual-state of shear:An experimental study to understand the creeping displacement behavior of large-scale landslides
3 * 509 * Case studies of constrained creeping landslides in Switzerland
4 * 693 * Longterm investigation of a deepseated creeping landslide in crystalline rock—Part 1: Geological and hydromechanical factors controlling the Campo Vallemaggia landslide.
5 * 697 * Longterm investigation of a deepseated creeping landslide in crystalline rock—Part 2: Mitigation measures and numerical modelling of deep drainage at Campo Vallemaggia.
6 * 976 * Study on creep behavior of alternatively distributed soft and hard rock layers and slope stability analysis.
7 * 1339 * Timedeformation relations in creep to failure of earth materials.
8 * 1891 * Constitutive modeling and analysis of creeping slopes.
9 * 2111 * Failure of soil due to creep.
10 * 2281 * Analysis of monitoring data and creeping mechanism for a project.
11 * 2345 * Structural Fabric and Strength Creep Characteristics of Mudded Intercalation,
12 * 2367 * Analysis on creep displacements of the rock slope induced by atomization rain from flow discharge at Longyangxia Hydropower station.
13 * 2368 * Cause of creep landslide formation and mechanism of deformation of tunnel.
14 * 2370 * Depth creep of slopes and longterm landslide development.
15 * 2371 * Appraisal and administration of creep landslide in certain project.
16 * 2643 * Rain induced creeprupture of Soberbo Road landslide.
17 * 2810 * On the forecast of time to failure of slope (II)—Approximate forecast in the early period of the tertiary creep.
18 * 3351 * Modelling ten years of downhill creep data
19 * 3387 * Longterm investigation of a deep-seated creeping landslide in crystalline rock—part I: Geological and hydromechanical factors controlling the Campio Vallemaggia landslide
20 * 3438 * Creep and failure in slopes in clays
21 * 3643 * Longterm investigation of a deep-seated creeping landslide in crystalline rock
22 * 4588 * Forecasting time of slope failure by tertiary creep
23 * 4589 * Failure of soil due to creep
24 * 4693 * Origin of ridge-top depressions by large-scale creep in Olympic Mountains Washington
25 * 4703 * Longterm investigation of a deep-seated creeping landslide in crystalline rock—geological and hydromechanical factors controlling the Campo Vallemaggia landslide
26 * 4708 * Sagging or deep-seated creep: fiction or reality? In: Senneset (Ed.)
27 * 5085 * A damage mechanics model for power-law creep and earthquake aftershock sequences
28 * 5183 * Prediction of slope instabilities due to deep-seated gravitational creep
29 * 5187 * Longterm investigation of a deep-seated creeping landslide in crystalline rock- Part II Mitigation measures and numerical modelling of deep drainage at Campo Vallemaggia
30 * 5203 * Integration of large deep-seated creeping mass movements in a regional hazard map-an approach to determinate it’s probability of occurrence
31 * 5266 * A comparison between theoretical and measured creep profiles of landslides
32 * 5269 * Stability of slopes undergoing creep deformation
33 * 5283 * Time-deformation relations in creep to failure of earth materials
34 * 5338 * residual-state creep test in modified torsional ring shear machine: Methods and implications
35 * 5339 * Prediction of large-scale landslide based on tertiary creep test by modified ring shear apparatus
36 * 5340 * Method of residual-state creep test using torsional ring shear machine
37 * 5341 * Pre-peak and post-peak creep test using torsional ring shear machine
38 * 5346 * Anisotropic creep model for soft soils
39 * 5348 * A theory of creep failure in over consolidated Clay
40 * 6109 * Creep problems in soils snow and ice
41 * 6708 * Evolution of stabilized creeping landslides
42 * 6709 * Progressive failure of a constrained creeping landslide
43 * 6711 * Inclinodeformometer for earth pressure measurements in creeping landslides

question à deux mots : creep et soil  :  Résultats dans le fichier LRA_2m_creep.txt

395 * Creep behavior of clayey soils in residual-state of shear:An experimental study to understand the creeping displacement behavior of large-scale landslides * banff
2111 * Failure of soil due to creep. * mkd_xian
4589 * Failure of soil due to creep * banff
5346 * Anisotropic creep model for soft soils * banff
6109 * Creep problems in soils snow and ice * banff

Autre question à deux mots:  earth et creep : Résultats dans le fichier LRA_2m_earth.txt  

1339 * Timedeformation relations in creep to failure of earth materials. * mkd_xian
5085 * A damage mechanics model for power-law creep and earthquake aftershock sequences * banff
5283 * Time-deformation relations in creep to failure of earth materials * banff
6711 * Inclinodeformometer for earth pressure measurements in creeping landslides * banff

La somme des deux listes ci-dessus comporte 9 articles

1339 * Timedeformation relations in creep to failure of earth materials. * mkd_xian
2111 * Failure of soil due to creep. * mkd_xian
395 * Creep behavior of clayey soils in residual-state of shear:An experimental study to understand the creeping displacement behavior of large-scale landslides * banff
4589 * Failure of soil due to creep * banff
5085 * A damage mechanics model for power-law creep and earthquake aftershock sequences * banff
5283 * Time-deformation relations in creep to failure of earth materials * banff
5346 * Anisotropic creep model for soft soils * banff
6109 * Creep problems in soils snow and ice * banff
6711 * Inclinodeformometer for earth pressure measurements in creeping landslides * banff

Cette liste d'articles cite les articles suivants

5343A comparison of alternative methods of measuring the residual strength of London clay1983Bromhead E.N.
5354An anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic model for soft clays2010Yin Z.Y.
5353A New Method for the Correlation of Residual Shear Strength of the Soil with Mineralogical Composition2005Tiwari B.
5342A new ring shear apparatus and its application to the measurement of residual strength1971Bishop A.W.
5346Anisotropic creep model for soft soils2008Leoni M.
5348A theory of creep failure in over consolidated Clay1977Nelson J.D.
5344Back analysis techniques for slope stabilization works: a case record1977Chandler R.J.
5351Drained residual strength of cohesive soils1994Stark T.D.
4646Drained shear strength parameters for analysis of landslides2005Stark T.D.
5337Evaluation of time-dependent behavior of soils2004Augustesen A.
5349Groundwater pressure and stability analyses of landslides1984Patton F.D.
5340Method of residual-state creep test using torsional ring shear machine2011Bhat D.R.
5352On the long term stability of slopes1963Terstepanian G.
5341Pre-peak and post-peak creep test using torsional ring shear machine2011Bhat D.R.
5339Prediction of large-scale landslide based on tertiary creep test by modified ring shear apparatus2011Bhat D.R.
5338residual-state creep test in modified torsional ring shear machine: Methods and implications2011Bhat D.R.
5347Residual shear strength mobilized in first-time slope failures2003Mesri G.
5350Residual strength of clays in landslides folded strata and the laboratory1985Skempton A.W.
5269Stability of slopes undergoing creep deformation1969Yen B.C.
5345Strength recovery from residual state in reactivated landslides2002Gibo S.
